
gusse: where cities meet cities

Global Urban Sustainability Solutions Exchange.

Now imagine an Amazon-like online destination where the ‘products’ are sustainability solutions and the conversations of countless consumers, like you, continuously identify the best solutions – all of which are free!

The world has never had an opportunity to share and build the sustainability knowledge already within our cities. GUSSE is an innovative online website that brings together the most current, valuable and trusted solutions for urban sustainability, then refines and applies them within a ‘social networking’ framework that harnesses collective wisdom on a global scale.
Governance Vision

GUSSE’s only purpose is to serve the needs of urban professionals. An independent governance body is being convened to champion this purpose on a global stage, and to actively curate and provide high-level credibility to the assembled solutions. This body will consist of senior representatives of leading cities, countries, NGOs and corporations, along with thought leaders from professional organizations, institutions and civil society. Core governing principles derive naturally from GUSSE’s social networking architecture:
  • Open - inclusive, transparent, collective, shared
  • Practical - easy, accessible, action-oriented, user-friendly
  • Reliable - current, high-quality, high-integrity, trustworthy
  • Independent - agenda-free, non-patronizing, non-authoritative
  • Nimble - adaptive; responsive, emergent.

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