
living streets
dynamic cities

Serendipity? or confluence?

This one looks good. It's a conference staged by Ateneo's Cultural Heritage Studies Program and FEU's Center for Studies on the Urban Environment, sponsored by the Spanish Program for Cultural Cooperation and Instituto Cervantes.

March 16-17 (that's tomorrow!) at the FEU Campus.

"The Conference aims:

  1. To call attention to the Street as a a basic focus of concern in any project of urban revitalization;
  2. To articulate the complexity of issues surrounding street regeneration;
  3. To highlight the connection between built heritage and street regeneration; and
  4. To emphasize the catalytic role of urban universities in the regeneration of cities."
Good list of speakers. Click on the image for more info.

And if you want an instant replay: here's what I recently had to say about our streets:
  1. Streets not roads
  2. Measure for measure
  3. Streets as green infrastructure

1 comment:

Ivan Henares said...

Such a great forum moreso since its free of charge. Been sending out invites myself but my sked's made for the next two days. Oh well! I hope a lot of people go and listen.

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